Bring Impact Hub to your city
Impact Hub is a global community - a place for people to get inspired, connected and enabled. Sounds exciting?
You can bring Impact Hub to your city via two different pathways. Check them out below!
Open an Impact Hub
Starting from scratch
If there is no Impact Hub in your city, you can start the journey today by building a co-founding team and run through out onboarding process.
Step-by-step our team will help and guide you to build up your community and all your plans for your Impact Hub-to-be. At the same time you will get to know the network, connect with your future business partners and learn and apply for the Impact Hub license.
3 phases will help you to launch Impact Hub in your city.
Join the network
Rebrand your
existing organization
Interested in joining the Impact Hub network with your existing space and social impact-focused community?
We offer a 6-months long process for like-minded organizations to apply for the Impact Hub license and rebrand your organzation to Impact Hub. At the end of the process, you will join the network and connect your local community with our changemakers across the globe.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long will it take to start Impact Hub in my city?
Depending on the process (starting from scratch vs rebranding) the process can take between 6 moths and 1.5 years! As each context and team is different, the timeline varies! Once you have your license you can start operating Impact Hub in your city.
Is Impact Hub a franchise?
We are not a franchise but have developed a co-owned network structure. The Impact Hub Intellectual Property (IP) and Brand are owned by the “Impact Hub Association”, a collective of all Impact Hubs. When joining our network, you will become a co-owner of the network and are entitled to be part of the decision-making as well as all strategic conversations. You will shape the future of the network together with the rest of the local Impact Hubs.
What are the benefits of becoming an Impact Hub?
There aree many reasons for joining the network - from our well-recognized brand, to our resilient business model and deep knowledge on how to build, support and nurture entrpreneurial communities. By being part of the network you can access our knowledge, business opportunities and connect your entrepreneurs with Impact Hubs in 63+ countries. This will bring value to your local city and enrich our network globally.
I have more questions, to whom can I reach out?
Our team is here to support you along the way! You can reach out to [email protected] for any further questions.